I had the pleasure of featuring Katie when she first got Rachelle Gardner as an agent. You can read that post here. I am thrilled to have her talking about her debut release:
which I will be reviewing next week.
Let's get to know Katie!
I love the story of
how you met your husband. Can you give us a quick version of that?

You left your
teaching career to write full time. How scary was that? Do you miss the
Super scary. Especially since most industry professionals
would advise against it. But I felt pulled in way too many directions. I was
trying to be a wife and a mother and a teacher and a writer, and all the while,
I felt like our son was growing up way too fast. I felt like God was asking me
to step out in faith. Ryan did too.
After a whole bunch of prayer, we took the step, knowing we would lose
half our salary and the great benefits that come with being a teacher. On
paper, it didn’t seem like it could work. But God is faithful. He never leads
where He won’t provide. It’s been the best decision for our family. One of the
reasons I know is because as much as I loved teaching, I don’t miss it.
What has been the
best part of this journey for you?
Oh boy, lots and lots of things! Getting to know so many
amazing writing friends (like you!:)). Working with my agent. Working with my
editor. Working with my marketing director. The people at Waterbrook/Multnomah
are a dream team. Seeing a lifelong goal come to life.
And getting to connect
with readers! But, since you asked for the
best, which implies only one thing, I’d have to say how keenly I’ve felt
God’s presence throughout. This journey has drawn me so incredibly close to
Him. It’s shown me that as wonderful as dreams are, ultimately, my hope and my
joy and my worth are found in Him.
What has been the
most surprising (good or bad) part of the journey?
The insecurity! I totally thought getting a book contract
would take care of that for me. But I promise, it doesn’t. I feel like the
further along I get in this journey, the more severely insecurity attacks.
Which is why the further along I get in this journey, the more and more I have
to put my hope in God. I’m such a people-pleaser. I want everyone to be happy
with my work and happy with me. God is teaching me some (tough) lessons about
letting that go.
How is the adoption process
going? Can you talk little bit about your decision to adopt and what the
response has been?
Good! We’re getting super close to sending our home study
over to the Congo. Once it’s over there, we’ll be put on a referral list and
the waiting begins.
We decided to adopt because God says to take care of
orphans. He’s so clear about that command. It’s non-negotiable. That doesn’t
mean everyone has to adopt to do so, but for us, that’s what it meant. We
wanted more kids. It wasn’t happening the natural way. We didn’t feel pulled to
go the infertility treatment route, and our lives kept intersecting with people
who were either in the process of adopting or had already adopted.
Then one
day, the whisper in my heart was undeniable. It was as if God were saying, “I
have a blessing out there for you, Katie. Don’t miss it because you’re too
scared or too lazy.” God was working on my husband’s heart too. When he came
home from work, I said, “I think we should adopt.” And he said, “Me too.”
So here we are.
What's next for you
as a writer?
Book 2, Wishing onWillows, which releases March 19, 2013. It’s the continuation of Robin’s
story from Wildflower. Readers don’t
have to read the first book to follow the second, but I do think it’ll be a lot
more meaningful if they do. I’m hoping readers will enjoy seeing familiar faces
and places.
Where can we connect
with you? Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter
My blog
Twitter : @KatieGanshert
Thank you so much for sharing with us, Katie.
So, what else do you want to know about Katie? Jump in and ask!
So good to be here, Dawn! Thanks for having me, friend. :)
I love your stories of stepping out in faith, Katie!! Such stories of courage. Congrats on your debut! It's such a beautiful read.
Great interview! I love how you and Ryan met and I'm amazed at your step of faith leaving your job. Thanks for sharing today!
Thanks Heather!
Good to see you here, Gabrielle! You won a copy of my debut on my Facebook page!
Wonderful interview, Katie. I love how you and your hubby stepped out in faith. God is so faithful. I've read Wildflowers and trust me, you have nothing to feel insecure about. It's a touching story that tugs at the heartstrings and points to God and His goodness even in the difficult times.
Lovely interview, girls :) Just love how you and your husband met, Katie.
I adored your book as you know!
Thanks,Dawn for enabling us to get to know Katie a bit more :)
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